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Music Ministry 

The role of the choir(s) is/are to lead and instruct the congregation in worship – it helps bring the worship experience to its fullest. Our choirs will sing praises to God. The Church Choir, Gospel Choir and Youth Mass Choir.

Music Ministry: Bro Melvin Thomas, Bro Villery Hayes, Sis Carolyn Kirkpatrick, Bro Frankie Jackson, Pastor Horace Dozier

New Members Ministry 

 The New Members Ministry of St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church is comprised of two key components:

  • New Members Teachers

  • Pastoral Caring Group (PCG)

The New Members ministry will provide new members the education, leadership, guidance. PCG members help new members develop friendships and become involved in ministry within St. Matthew. PCG members will telephone new members for 30 days, to make sure no member is left behind

Image by Stephen Radford

Pastor's Aide 

The Pastor’s Aide is the extra support of the pastor, inside and outside of the church. The ministry makes sure that the Pastor has whatever is necessary to support the work of the ministry, such as seeing that special attire is in adequate supply and condition for service. The committee looks for ways to relieve some of the burdens which confront our Pastor and his family. Each leader is a Pastor’s Aide; therefore, each ministry supports the Pastor’s Aide Ministry.

Image by Fahrul Azmi

Transportation Ministry

The Transportation Ministry of St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church is committed to supporting and sponsoring the transportation needs of the church members and ministries. This ministry meets the transportation needs of the church through member pickup for Sunday Worship Service, ministry outings, retreats, conferences, etc.


Culinary Ministry

The Culinary/Hospitality Ministry works diligently to show its caring, compassion and love for God’s people by providing nutritious and delicious food. The ministry functions through two interwoven groups: the culinary staff and the serving group. The culinary staff, which is the smaller of the two groups and consists of four to five individuals, is responsible for food preparation in a timely manner and clean-up of the kitchen area.

Sis Augusta Ross, Sis Eileen McKay, Sis Sophia Harris, Sis Carolyn Kirkpatrick


Sunday School Ministry

The Sunday School Ministry provides the common masses with an opportunity to study the Bible – it aims at instilling in the minds of the students, faith in God and teaching them the principles, which Christ adhered to. The education imparted in Sunday School is intended to promote Christian fellowship – to evangelize, thereby promoting the spread of Christianity. It is about encouraging people to be positive in life and imbibe optimism in those around them. It is about instilling in the young minds, love, and care towards others – it aims at bringing the spread of justice and equality in society. The Sunday School Ministry aims at developing a society that believes in living with peace and harmony.

Sunday School Superintendent-Deacon Melvin Ford, Adult Sunday School Teacher- Sis Augusta Ross


Usher Ministry

The Usher Ministry is responsible for meeting and greeting church members and visitors at the entrance. Ushers distribute brochures, church announcements and envelopes for tithes and offerings.

Ushers Ministry: Bro Villery Hayes, Bro Sam Handy


Intercessor Prayer Ministry

To increase the faith and enhance the spiritual growth of believers by committing a specific time for prayer in a group setting.

Neat Computer Desk

Web Ministry

The Web Ministry is an extension of St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church. The website provides an overview of ministry at St. Matthew and provides interactive opportunities to share the gospel. .


Women's Ministry

The mission of Leadership for Women is to provide an avenue for continued growth to the women of St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church through practical Bible study, prayer, and fellowship opportunities.


Men's Ministry 

Spiritually Strong Men Shepherding Our Neighborhood. This ministry provides a voice for men and acknowledges before God the ongoing goal to acknowledge God as our Center, draw upon His power, and work toward being spiritually strong men. The mission is to involve men in ministry by teaching the Word of God, making disciples of other men, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in and beyond the local church.

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Youth Ministry

The mission of the Youth Ministry at St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church is to lead every young person to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, encouraging each child to show his/her love to others through witnessing, life application of God’s Word, and involvement in various Kingdom-building ministries. Our Youth Ministry serves children and youth ages 3 to 18. Youth Ministries include: Nursery Ministry; Youth Church (Ages 3 to 12); Youth Mass Choir; College Bound Ministry; Usher Ministry (Junior Ushers and Teen Ushers); Drama Ministry; Highly Praised Dance Ministry; God’s Praisers/Mine Ministry; Sunday School and Bible Study.


Eunice White, Brenda Kendrick, Yvonne Dozier

Not Pictured: Bro Villery Hayes

Image by Cytonn Photography

Host/Hostess Ministry 

The Hostess Ministry greets visitors after all services within the church. Members of the Hostess Ministry take tape requests for sermons, distribute visitor brochures, read Sunday announcements, and assist ministries with special projects throughout the year.

Holding Hands

Grief & Recovery Ministry

The Grief & Recovery Ministry monitors and manages the bereavement session for people dealing with terminal illness or death. This includes offering counseling, assessing needs and explaining the services available to the bereaved. Will also provide counseling to members in hospice, or other areas dealing with grief and bereavement.

Image by AbsolutVision

Bulletin Boards

The bulletin board coordinator(s) oversee the bulletin boards to coordinate with church activities, holidays, seasons, and/or various accomplishments of persons or groups within the church.

Image by Ethan McArthur

Media & Technology

The Audio-Visual/Multi-Media/Sound (AVMMS) Technicians oversee the operations of all AVMMS equipment, including sound systems, in St. Matthew (Sanctuary and multipurpose building. This includes set-up and maintenance as needs arise – televisions, sound and taping equipment for classrooms, meetings, events – including weddings. Records all main services and functions that need to be recorded. Burns quality CD copies for church members.


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